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"You're not my friend."


"That's not fair."


"You're Mean."


Just like the G-24 nonsense, this recall is more of the same, namely spiteful and childish. This same group of people stood in the back of the council meeting in December 2023 holding up signs threatening to recall council members who dared not vote how they demanded. Seriously.

The fact that the council subsequently took action to back out of Central Coast Blue and reduce water and sewer rates to their satisfaction wasn't enough. Because people like Dan Rushing didn't follow their orders at that December meeting, they pushed for a recall....I'm shaking my head as well....

They got what they wanted

But they are still pursuing a recall

Sounds like another temper tantrum

Here's the deal

We elect our neighbors to represent us on the City Council. We vote for them based on what we know about them, their experience, their focus, and their judgement. It is unreasonable to expect an elected representative who is trying to make an informed policy decision for ALL OF US to always vote how we would. It is reasonable that we trust them to represent ALL OF US even if we don't always agree with them.

Did you know Grover Beach is one of two cities in San Luis Obispo County with term limits for city Council Members and Mayor?

So, even if you get to a point where you think it's time for new representation, there is always a window to elect someone new!

Background and History

The process has been in our state constitution since 1911. At the state level, from 1913 to today, there have been 180 attempts at recall with 6 instances of a successful recall (


Over a span of 111 years


180 state level recalls have been on the ballot


6 successful efforts


This should be telling you something. Something like, a recall should be for a pretty big reason, not because someone didn't do what you threatened them over...

When would a reasonable person consider a recall you ask yourself? Recalling a council member is a serious action typically reserved for significant issues or misconduct. Common reasons for initiating a recall might include:

  1. Violation of Ethics or Law: If a council member is found to have violated ethical standards, engaged in corrupt practices, or broken the law, this could be grounds for recall.
  2. Mismanagement of City Resources: Evidence of financial mismanagement, waste of public funds, or gross inefficiency in handling city resources could trigger a recall effort.
  3. Neglect of Duties: If the council member consistently fails to attend meetings, perform their duties, or represent the interests of their constituents, they may face recall.
  4. Policy Disagreements: While less common, if a council member’s decisions or voting record are significantly out of line with the views of their constituents, this might lead to a recall effort.
  5. Incompetence: If the council member is deemed incompetent or unfit for office, whether due to lack of knowledge, inability to perform their responsibilities, or poor decision-making, a recall might be considered.
  6. Loss of Public Trust: Any action that leads to a significant loss of trust among the public, such as scandals, conflicts of interest, or unprofessional behavior, could justify a recall.
  7. Failure to Act on Key Issues: If the council member fails to address critical issues affecting the community or ignores the will of the people on important matters, constituents might seek a recall.
  8. Criminal Charges: If a council member is charged with or convicted of a crime, particularly one related to their position or public trust, it could prompt a recall.
  9. Health or Personal Issues: In some cases, if a council member is unable to fulfill their duties due to health problems or personal circumstances, a recall might be initiated to replace them with someone who can serve effectively.


Dan Rushing meets none of these criteria


There are no grounds for recall


This small group of people got what they wanted


This is all about a childish need to even the score






Paid for by Grover Forward - A Citizen Group Opposing Initiative G-24 and the Recall of Council Member Daniel Rushing
Post Office Box 1305
Grover Beach, California 93483
FPPC# 1471763
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